Selected Biography

This bibliography is neither exhaustive nor complete. It is NOT designed to eliminate your responsibility to seek out other sources. Instead, it is provided to give you a starting point from which to conduct your own, independent research.

It is recommended that you also look at the notes/bibliographic section of preferred readings for additional sources.

Citizenship and Institutional Representation

Cairns, Alan. 2000. CitizensPlus: Aboriginal people and the Canadian State . Vancouver : UBC Press.

Campbell, Maria. 1973. Halfbreed. Toronto : McClelland and Stewart.

Canada . 1996. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal people . 5 vols. Ottawa : Canada Communication Group Publishing.

Green, Joyce A. 2000. “Canaries in the Mines of Citizenship: Indian Women in Canada ,” Canadian Journal of Political Science 33, 133-144.

Green, Joyce A. 1997. Exploring Identity and Citizenship: Aboriginal Women , Bill C-31 and the Sawridge Case . Diss. University of Alberta .

Johnston, Darlene. 1994. “First Nations and Canadian Citizenship”. In William Kaplan, ed. Belonging: The Meaning and Future of Canadian Citizenship . Kingston : Mc-Gill-Queen’s University Press. [pp. 349-64].

Schouls, Tim. 1996. “Aboriginal peoples and electoral reform in Canada : differentiated representation versus voter equality,” Canadian Journal of Political Science 29, 729-49.

Warburton, Rennie. 1997. “Aboriginal Status and Canadian Politics”. Studies in Political Economy 54 (Fall):119-41.

Economic Development and Resource Development

Anderson, Robert B. 1997. “Corporate/Indigenous Partnerships in Economic Development: The First Nations in Canada ” World Development 25,9: 1458-1503.

Bielawski, Ellen. 2003. Rogue Diamonds: The Rush for Northern Riches on Dene Land . Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre.

Cornell, Stephen and Joseph P. Kalt. 1993. “Reloading the Dice: Improving the Chances for Economic Development on American Indian Reservations.” In What Can Tribes Do? Strategies and Institutions in American Indian Economic Development . Eds. Stephen Cornell and Joseph P. Kalt. Los Angeles : University of California .

Geddicks, Al. 1993. The New Resource Wars. Boston : South End Press.

Green, Joyce and Cora Voyageur. 1999. “Globalization and Development at the Bottom.” In Feminists Doing Development: A Practical Critique . Eds. Marilyn Porter and Ellen Judd. London and New York : Zed Books.

Hill, Roger and Pamela Sloan. 1996. “A New Era in Corporate Aboriginal Relations.” Canadian Business Review Spring.

Hoogvelt, Ankie. 1997. Globalization and the Postcolonial World: The New Political Economy of Development. Baltimore , Maryland : John Hopkins University Press.

Macdonald, Mark R. 2000. “Re-Learning our ABCs? The New Governance of Aboriginal Economic Development in Canada ” How Ottawa Spends, 2000-2001, Leslie A. Pal, ed. Toronto : Oxford University Press. 161-184.

Macklem, Patrick. 2002. “The Impact of Treaty 7 on Natural Resource Development in Northern Ontario ” Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada : Essays on Law, Equality and Respect for Difference.Michael Asch, ed. Vancouver , BC : UBC Press. 97-134.

Notzke, Claudia. 1994. Aboriginal people and Natural Resources in Canada . North York : Captus Press Inc.

Scott, Colin H. 2001. Aboriginal Autonomy and Development in Northern Quebec and Labrador .Vancouver : UBC Press.


Altbach, Philip G. and Gail P. Kelly. 1974. “Introduction”. Education and Colonialism . New York , NY : Longman. 1-52.

Bowd, Alan D. 1977. “Ten Years After the Hawthorn Report: Changing Psychological Implications for the Education of Canadian Native Peoples” Canadian Psychology Review . V. 18, no. 4, 332-345.

Carnoy, Martin. 1974. “Education for Development or Domination? A Theoretical Framework”, Education as Cultural Imperialism . New York , NY : Dacid McKay Company,Inc. [pp. 31-77].

Fisher, A.D. “A Colonial Education System; Historical Changes and Schooling in Fort Chipewyan ,”Canadian Journal of Anthropology . 2:1 (Spring 1981) 37-44.

Monture-Angus, Patricia. 1995. “Alienation and Isolation: Patterns of Colonialism in Canada ’s Education System”, Thunder in my Soul: A Mohawk Woman Speaks. Halifax : Fernwood Publishing. 77-89.

Rozon, Gina “Education for Self-Determination.” American Review of Canadian Studies 31,1&2: p. 61.


Ross, Rupert. 1996. Return to the Teachings. Toronto : Penguin Books.

Warry, Wayne . 1998. “Restoring Justice: Conflict with the Law”, Unfinished Dreams: Community Healing and the Reality of Aboriginal Self-Government . Toronto , ON : University of Toronto Press. 161-204.


Alves, Dora. 1999. The Maori and the Crown: An Indigenous People’s Struggle for Self-Determination.Connecticut : Greenwood Press.

Durie, Mason. 1998. Te Mana,Te Kawanatanga: The Politics of Maori Self-Determination . Auckland : Oxford University Press.

Fleras, Augie and Jean Leonard Elliot. 1992. The "nations within" : aboriginal-state relations in Canada , the United States , and New Zealand . Toronto : Oxford University Press.

Political Economy and Canadian History

Abele , Frances . 1997. “Understanding What Happened Here: The Political Economy of Indigenous Peoples”. Understanding Canada : Builiding on the New Canadian Political Economy. Wallace Clement ed. Montreal and Kingston : McGill-Queen’s University Press. 118-140.

Angus, Murray. 1990. “ and the last shall be first”: Native policy in an era of cutbacks. Ottawa : Aboriginal Rights Coalition (Project North).

Bourgault, Ron G. 1983. “The Indian, the Metis and the Fur Trade: Class, Sexism and Racism in the Transition from “Communism” to Capitalism,” Studies in Political Economy 12 (Fall), 45-80.

Cox, Bruce Alden. 1993. “Natives and Mercantile Capitalism.” In The Political Economy of North American Indians . Ed. John Moore. Norman , Oklahoma : University of Oklahoma Press.

Dickason, Olive Patricia. 1992. Canada ’s First Nations: A History of Founding Peoples from Earliest Times . Toronto : McClelland and Stewart Inc.

Graham, Katherine. 1987. “Indian Policy And the Tories: Cleaning Up After the Buffalo Jump,” In HowOttawa Spends, 1987-88 . Ed. M. Prince. Ottawa : Methuen Publishers.

Green, Joyce A. 2003. “Decolonization and Recolonization in Canada ” Changing Canada : Political Economy as Transformation . Wallace Clement and Leah F. Vosko, eds. Montreal and Kingston : McGill-Queen’s University Press. 51-78.

Innis, Harold A. 1930 (Reprinted 2001). The Fur Trade In Canada : An Introduction to Canadian Economic History . Toronto : University of Toronto Press. [introduction/conclusion].

Kellough, Gail. 1980. “From Colonialism to Economic Imperialism: The Experience of the Canadian Indian”, Structured Inequalit y in Canada . John Harp and John Hofley, eds. Scarborough , ON : Prentice Hall. 344-365.

Usher, Peter J. 1987. “The North: One Land , Two Ways of Life”. In Heartland and Hinterland: A Geography of Canada . 2 nd ed. L.D. McCann, ed. Toronto : Prentice Hall. 483-529.

Weaver, Sally M. 1990. “A New Paradigm in Canadian Indian Policy for the 1990s.” Canadian Ethnic Studies XXII,3: 8-17.

Self-Government, Federalism and Intergovernmental relations

Abele , Frances and Michael J. Prince. 2003. “Aboriginal Governance and Canadian Federalism: A To-Do List for Canada ”. New Trends in Canadian Federalism , 2 nd ed. Francois Rocher and Miriam Smith, eds. Peterborough , ON : Broadview Press. 135-165.

Abele , Frances and Michael J. Prince. 2002. “Alternative Futures: Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian Federalism” Canadian Federalism: Performance, Effectivenes,s and Legitimacy. Herman Bakvis and Grace Skogstad, eds. Toronto : Oxford University Press.

Bear, Leroy Little, Menno Boldt and J. Anthony Long, eds.. 1992. Pathways to Self-Determination.Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Boldt, Menno. 1993. Surviving As Indians:the challenges of self-government . Toronto : University of Toronto Press.

Cardinal, Harold. 1999. “Introduction.” The Unjust Society . Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre.

Cassidy, Frank. 1990. “Aboriginal Governments in Canada : An Emerging Field of Study.” Canadian Journal of Political Science March XXIII,1: 73-99.

Hertzberg, Hazel W. 1966. The Great Tree and the Longhouse: The Culture of he Iroquois. New York : Macmillan.

Jhappan, Radha. 1995. “The Federal-Provincial Power-grid and Aboriginal Self-Government,” in Francois Rocher and Miriam Smith, eds., New Trends in Canadian Federalism . Peterborough : Broadview Press.

Hawkes, David, ed. 1995. Aboriginal people and Government Responsibility . Ottawa : Carleton University Press.

Hawkes, David. 1989. Aboriginal people and Government Responsibility: Exploring Federal and Provincial Roles . Carleton University Press.

Hawkes, David. 1985. Aboriginal Self-Government: What Does It Mean? Kingston , ON : Institute of Intergovernmental Relations.

Henderson, James [sakej] Youngblood. 1994. “Empowering Treaty Federalism Saskatchewan Law Review 58:242-329.

Hicks, Jack and Graham White . 2001. “Inuit Self-Determination Through a Land Claim and Public Government?” The Provincial State in Canada : Politics in the Provinces and Territories. Keith Brownsey and Michael Howlett, eds. Peterborough , ON : Broadview Press. 389-439.

Hodgins, Bruce W and Kerry A. Cannon, eds. 1995. On the Land: Confronting the Challenges to Aboriginal Self-Determination in Northern Quebec and Labrador . Toronto : Betelgeuse Books.

Hylton, John H., ed. 1999. Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada : Current Trends and Issues, 2 nd ed . Saskatoon : Purich Publishing.

McNeil, Kent.1997. “The Meaning of Aboriginal Title” Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada : Essays on Law, Equality and Respect for Difference. Michael Asch, ed. Vancouver , BC : UBC Press. 135-154.

Russell, Dan. 2000. “The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples and Self- Government: Just Another Lump of Coal,” A People’s Dream: Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada . Vancouver , BC : UBC Press. 146-195.


Alfred. T. 1999. “Deconstructing the British Columbia Treaty Process”. (PDF)

Alfred, T. 1999. “Modern Treaties: A Path to Assimilation?” Peace, Power, Righteousness: an indigenous manifesto. Toronto : Oxford University Press. 119-127.

Asch, Michael. 2002. Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada : Essays on Law, Equality and Respect for Difference. Michael Asch, ed. Vancouver , BC : UBC Press.

Dickason, Olive Patricia. 1992. Canada ’s First Nations: A History of Founding Peoples from Earliest Times . Toronto : McClelland and Stewart Inc.

Fumoleau, René. 1976. As Long As This Land Shall Last: A History of Treaty 8 and Treaty 11 1870-1939. Toronto : McClelland and Stewart Limited.

Rynard, Paul. 2000. “Welcome In, But Check Your Rights at the Door”: The James Bay and Nisga’a Agreements in Canada .” Canadian Journal of Political Science 33, 211-243.

Tully, James. 1999. “Aboriginal Peoples: Negotiating Reconcilation”. Canadian Politics 3 rd ed. James Bickerton and Alain-G. Gagnon, eds. Peterborough , ON : Broadview Press. 413-441.  

Venne, Sharon. 1998. Our Elders Understand Our Rights: Evolving International Law Regarding Indigenous Rights . Theytus Books: British Columbia .